Re: detecting sniffers is downright easy

Dr. Frederick B. Cohen (
Wed, 10 May 1995 10:54:19 -0400 (EDT)

> This is quite strange!  I've never heard of a trojan horse or virus-like
> sniffer!  People just run the sniffer software.

Not under Unix they don't.  The physical interface is not available, and thus
they must modify the OS in some way in order to do the sniffing.

> >All current (2) programs can be detected by comparing the OS programs
> >with their original distribution versions using MD5 or a similar
> >cryptographic checksum technique.  This has been widely published for
> >over 5 years.
> Again, sniffer programs on unix don't modify system software, they just
> run.  I think you're confused here.

By definition, a program run as root is system software.  I don't think I am

> >Thus, not only is detection of all Unix-based real-world sniffers not
> >impossible or infeasible, it is downright easy and simple. 
> It can be, but not the way you're talking about.  And the original poster
> of the thread asked how you can tell if a sniffer is running on your
> network, not how to tell if your system software has been modified.

But of course the former question is not relevant to bugtraq (per the
widely hailed charter) while the latter both answers the question and is
relevant to bugtraq.  But I am glad to hear that someone on bugtraq
finally agrees that detecting a sniffer is not impossible.

> This is quite out there for one of your posts, you usually have
> better knowledge of the field.  Makes me wonder if someone didn't 
> forge mail from you, but looking at the headers everything seems ok.

Indeed - forging email in Unix is quite easy with most smtp programs I
have seen in the past, however, I doubt if this particular posting was

> Methinks you should just drop this thread, the longer it goes the 
> stranger you look.

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